I’m in Miami B****, Dalle! March 2014

03.01.14 – 03.05.14
My first time going on a vacation for spring break and I was super excited; the previous years were spent slaving away at work. This was a short trip for our spring break of my last year in college. It was 3 guys and 5 girls (good ratio!not really.) Once we landed in Florida, we immediately went took two cabs to our airbnb. Zooming past the lines of palm trees and warm breeze that greeted us, it was exactly what we needed; a short break away from the staggering cold in New York. When we arrived, we entered the code to the front door, walked into the yard and another code that stopped us from disarming our luggage. 2014-03-02 09.07.13
The first action I perform is to take off my shoes and walk around into each room. Knowing that we had to choose the beds, I chose to sleep on the couch but did not mind at all. It reminded me of the times when we dormed on/near campus.  As we were unpacking, Mandy noticed there was a Heat game tonight at the AA center and we quickly seized the opportunity to watch King James dominate the court. For $80 per ticket, it was a sound decision made. 2014-03-01 19.28.36
The group split in half as the other group that stayed behind to drink bottles of wine had no interest in basketball. The traffic out of the arena was horrendous and it was actually cold that night.
2014-03-06 20.41.05
This week was the perfect weather for spring break. The 7-day forecast was sunny and high 80s throughout. The following day, we went to the beach; just 10-15 minutes away from our AirBnb by foot, carrying our beach essentials was a simple task. Along the way, we purchased a volleyball to rally in the sand at the courts already set up for us to play. To cool off, we continued our rally in the clear waters of Florida; still salty as usual.1962017_2389789829135_1953612724_o
A trip would be incomplete without some form of daring activity; in this case it was paddle boarding and kayaking. Tied by a short elastic cord, the 10 feet board was bound serving as a shield between you and the 30 foot depths of the bays we swam through. The paddles were our weapon for moving forward and with the help of balancing, we became quickly adept to paddle boarding. 1973342_2383931482680_953441477_o
The kayaks rented were two-seaters so each passenger had a paddle and synchronized to glide through the canals. Multiple times in the journey many collisions were witnessed but we managed to stay afloat. I for one almost rammed into a groove of leaves but rapidly laid flat on my paddle board to avoid serious injury. Afterwards, I recall eating a big meal at the burger joint right outside of the water sport office.
In what was known to be a near-death situation, we went to a ghetto place for some soul/creole food. The food definitely had the southern taste instilled into the dishes. Mind you we had to take public transportation on a bus out to make it here. Walking down a deserted street with the few that were guarding their shop, we were the only tourist there. Feeling out of place, the majority was african-american. Some couple pulled their car next to us were scared that we would be kidnapped; she was balling her eyes concerned for our well-being. That being said, an unanimous decision was made to go back to our crib.
2014-03-04 22.46.12
Mandy punched my dick

All the clubs we went to were not my style. Liv was too damn high of a cover for us guys. We ended up paying $80 cover for guys. Rather than have a line formed to gain entrance onto the dance floor, the boundaries were set up so the bouncers/promoters can pick the group they want to go inside; if you imagine a group of cattles being chosen because of the potential for good beef, that is exactly what it felt like. This tactic is the reason why I despise LIV with a passion.

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